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Golden Touch Blackjack home pageAll about Golden Touch BlackjackProfessional reviews and comments about Speed CountThe course structureFeedback from studentsProof that Speed Count worksOther web sites we recommend Sign-up for a Golden Touch Blackjack course
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Speed Count DVD

NEW Speed Count DVD
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Speed Count Book

Speed Count available in e-book to the general public! Orders for Golden Touch Blackjack Revolution: CLICK HERE.

OBS cards Looking to purchase our professional OBS strategy cards for Speed Count (Optimal Basic Strategy)? CLICK HERE.
Speed Count Software

Speed Count training software

...for Windows, iPhone and Android.

Master Speed Count by training on your own computer, and know when you're ready to beat the casino.

Software bundles include the Golden Touch Blackjack Revolution! e-book, so everything you need is in one package. Click here to learn more.

Revolutionary! Unique! A verifiable mathematical edge over the House!

Golden Touch Blackjack
taught by Henry Tamburin

In our class, you will learn a never-before-revealed method of advantage-play that is SIMPLE, extremely EASY-TO-APPLY, yet POWERFUL enough to get a REAL, VERIFIABLE EDGE over the casinos at blackjack! Comes with a NEW Basic Blackjack Strategy that enhances your edge with our method! Plus, entrance and exit strategies, money management, bankroll development and bet-sizing techniques to make you an ADVANTAGE-PLAYER over the house.

CLICK HERE... to check our schedule and sign up for an upcoming course

  • Details: Details about the Golden Touch Blackjack course and Speed Count advantage method.
  • Reviews: Professional reviews of the course and Speed Count by leading blackjack experts.
  • Course: The course structure, and how we teach Golden Touch Blackjack.
  • Feedback: Feedback from our students, including amazing win records with Speed Count.
  • Skeptics: Too good to be true? Believe it... see the proof and statistics on Speed Count.
  • Links: Other select web sites you may be interested in.
  • Sign-up: Ok, time to enroll and learn the simpliest and best way to beat the casino!

    NEW! John Grochowski, leading expert and author on casinos and gambling, takes the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Read his review!

    Have a question? If you can't find an answer in the links above, please contact us at:

    Golden Touch Blackjack home pageAll about Golden Touch BlackjackProfessional reviews and comments about Speed CountThe course structureFeedback from studentsProof that Speed Count worksOther web sites we recommend Sign-up for a Golden Touch Blackjack course

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